Sunday, February 14, 2010


I keep being disappointed at the lack of imagination of the Apple marketing
team. Awkwardness and legal issues aside
(, "iPad"
fits the pattern: "i" + short syllable denoting the product. The good old
days of "iMac" are long gone. Consumers are no longer required to leap with
their imagination. Virtually, i-product has become synonymous of Apple.
Where it not for the all-cap, I'd reach for IMAX screen to switch movie or
browse the internet when the show sucks ...
How about daring to change the pattern with "i" + long syllable referring
to the user, one that makes a complete sentence and makes you smile when you
say it?
Say we make pronoun a little less self-centered, something like You, or
better, the tried and texted "u?"
Then make the obvious reference to the product a little less obvious, a
little less passive, something that makes you smile.
Steal that exclamation mark from Yahoo! and, voila, you got uShine!
Just a thought, just and apple seed ...

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